Community Service

Community service 1

In our desire to pay it forward, Ms. Caggiano’s Y classes/ENL students, Y50 (Ms. Accurso) and Y53 (Ms. Tayar) decided that Donors Choose materials provided to our respective classes would be donated to the patients at Maimonides Hospital and Boro Park Center through P721K’s work study programs. We worked with our students to label, retrieve, and assemble care packages utilizing our EFL curriculum. In addition, students utilized literacy skills to create cards to wish patients/residents well. We have donated many wonderful gifts including adult activity books, colored pencils, socks, lotion, lip balm, stress balls, and snacks.

Working in concert with Ms. Goodheart and Ms. Hill, a few of our Y ENL students helped deliver our care packages to W04 and W06. Both W04 and W06 have distributed our packages to patients and residents at both sites.

We are all so proud of our school community. A big thank you to all involved!

Community Service 2




School Food



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