

Our mission is to enable young adults with developmental disabilities to realize their talents, strengths, and capabilities in order to live and work in our community as independently as possible. Knowing that instruction is the key that will unlock our young adults’ personal and academic potential, we work toward our mission by integrating functional literacy, functional math, social studies and current events, occupational and vocational training, technology, the arts, and community-based instruction for all students. Students learn best when the content is meaningful and instruction reflects their interests and capabilities. We strive for active participation and first hand experiences as the means for our students to achieve their independent goals. This is accomplished through joint collaboration, planning, and open communication. Our staff work as a team to share and focus their insights and energies.

The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and the Individual Transition Plan (ITP) are developed in consultation with parents and students to identify instructional goals and support systems students need to successfully make the transition from school to life in the community and the world of work. Students play an active role in planning for their future. They make informed choices by participating in a variety of integrated and inclusive environments where they acquire important academic, social and vocational skills. Students are empowered to be self-advocates by engaging in a variety of planning sessions and by exercising their power of choice throughout their school day. This process is supplemented by continuous communication between home and school throughout the school year and encourages parents to grow as advocates for their children.

The School Leadership team builds on the previous year’s experiences with school-based management and enhances the focus on teamwork among the staff and the partnership with families and the community. Ongoing self-evaluation, planning on the part of various school committees, consultation with District 75 and a rich program for staff development are the instruments for progress toward continual school improvement.


At P721K, it is our core belief that all students can learn and succeed when provided a continuum of specifically designed instruction, to enhance independence and transition towards fulfilling functional post -secondary goals. Students learn best when provided with integrated functional literacy/math, social studies/current events, occupational and vocational training, technology, the arts, and community- based instruction that emphasizes student choice, to enhance independence. Instruction will address each student’s individual needs to prepare students for their next transition to either a new school, or to volunteer or work in their community during their high school and post-secondary careers.